In an attempt to continue clarifying what we are working towards, let's identify the project deliverables:
1 - a publishable paper detailing the entire CF2 Project process
2 - an evaluation of the efficacy of the app and its associated learning & development "assets"
3 - an app capable of operating cross platforms that will facilitate the preparation and daily training environment of a group of aspiring and current international athletes
4 - a web presence that will effectively support the understandings and recommendations behind the app
5 - a range of associated learning & development "assets" that inform and enable the concepts covered in the app & website - info graphics, drills & quizzes, training programs, games, etc
6 - a text based collection of research, knowledge, quotes, drills, recommendations, "how tos" assembled into 4 seperate (but perhaps intersecting) topic areas called "modules"
7 - a coordinated approach within each module to confirm contemporary understandings and approaches in training and support principles associated with the CF2 factors that "load" onto that module
I presented this list in this way to illustrate the important end-targets of our work.
The publishable paper can be produced by a group of students associated with our work teams. There are funds available to "incentivise" this. Records of key milestones, decisions, options considered, etc will be very useful to inform this process. We have some potential candidates identified for this exercise.

The evaluation of the app's efficiency is in early planning. Rather than review the seperate modules, we will do this as a "whole of project" review. There is a diving group in Sydney who are easily accessible for a project of this nature, and perhap s cricket group in Adelaide.
The app's development will involve a couple of stages. The actual writing and hosting will utilise a wix-style app creator & hosting service. The app will work on both iOS and Android platforms. The app "interface" will utilise a "chat bot" concierge that will be fairly "cheeky" - certainly up beat and bright in nature. The chat bot will operate to translate a "want to interact" intent to a "you need to go here" lead into a specific area's information / drills.
The story board that drives the app's creation (writing) will be driven/enabled by the content available from the modules. Not all material developed in the modules will be able to be used in the app. All material will find a home in the website in some way.
The website will contain "foundational material" for each module as well as interactive material that will further enhance ideas in the app. The modules will contain pages that will provide background reading & references, as well as sections that will follow specific discussion lines and or drills.
The research needs to be deep enough to remove any "leap of faith" assumptions underlying our recommendations and the building of associated training programs.
The essential creativity required here involves:
- using wisdom to identify "must have" concepts
- packaging ideas into training programs or support concepts
- writing our recommendations and programs for sport general appplications
- utilising existing training programs, creating new ideas / programs
The required discipline is to continue to "push the boundaries" in conceptualising principles, applications and solutions.
I believe that we will have material in excess to our final presentation requirements, but that there will be obvious ways to extend the uptake of this app based program into other areas and so no effort will be wasted.
There will be ongoing upper level discussions among the team leaders on fine points of direction as the important business of information gathering, processing and writing continues.
To quote my good friend Chava Sobrino (Australian Diving Coach based in Sydney), "move on".
John, Your timing is impeccable. This is a very clear summary of the deliverables. Just what I need for my next meeting (tomorrow afternoon) with Tony Morris. I am assuming that by the end of the week Tony and I will have a quality brief ready to discuss with the DPsych 'student' Tony has recommended as a possible inclusion to the Module 2 team.
Thanks, Jeffrey